Events / Veranstaltungen

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Previous Events / Vergangene Veranstaltungen


Visiting Professor at ISOR
Yannis Yatracos will give a talk  at the ISOR Colloquium and teach a class “On Statistical Foundations of Data Science”.
Vienna, October - December 2023

WPI-Workshop: Stochastics, Statistics, Machine Learning and their Applications to Sustainable Finance and Energy Markets
Vienna, 12-14 September 2023



ERASMUS Visiting Professor at ISOR
Victor-Emmanuel BRUNEL (ENSAE-CREST Statistics, France) held a lecture series on "Statistics beyond linear data" as part of the PhD seminar 390026 in winter semester 2022
Vienna, October 3-7 2022

Visiting Professor at ISOR
Alexandre Tsybakov (Head of the Statistics department of CREST, ENSAE Paris) held a lecture series on “Zero order stochastic optimisation revisited” as part of his PhD seminar in summer semester 2022
Vienna, 30 March - 05 April 2022



Vienna Workshop on Econometrics of Option Markets
Vienna, 19-21 April 2021



13th European Summer School in Financial Mathematics
Vienna, 31 August - 4 September 2020



Workshop on Optimization, Game Theory, and Data Analysis (OGDA)
Vienna, 20-21 December 2018

Vienna Workshop on Computational Optimization
Vienna, 17-19 December 2018

Workshop Metaheuristics in Optimization and Application in the Honor of Walter Gutjahr
Vienna, 28 September 2018

Workshop Model Selection, Regularization, and Inference
Vienna, 12-14 July 2018


< 2017

Vienna-Copenhagen Conference on Financial Econometrics
Vienna, 9-11 March 2017

HFT2016 - High-Frequency Trading: Curse or Blessing
Vienna, 22-23 September 2016

OR2015 - International Conference on Operations Research: Optimal Decisions and Big Data
Vienna, September 2015

WINTERSCHOOL 2014 - Stochastic programming with applications in energy, finance and insurance
March 2014

EWGCFM - EURO Working Group for Commodities and Financial Modelling
December 2013

Optimization Tools for Next Generation Telecommunication Networks
March 2013

Workshop Statistical Inference in Complex/High-Dimensional Problems
July 2012

CMS 2010 - Computational Management Science 2010
July 2010

Workshop on Model Selection and Related Areas
July 2008

APMOD (APplied mathematical programming and MODelling)
May 2008

MCOR'07 - Models for credit and operational risks in the financial sector in Bolzano/Bozen
September 2007

11th International Conference on Stochastic Programming
August 2007

Workshop - Financial Engineering & Risk Management

Energy Workshop

Operational Risk Management

Gedenkkolloquium Prof. Schmetterer
April 2005

Besuch der Popper Schule
January 2005

Statistikwettbewerb 2004

Statistikwettbewerb 2003